Organizatorja: Evropska komisija, v sodelovanju z Institutom »Jožef Stefan« - Centrom za energetsko učinkovitost, ter Ministrstvo za infrastrukturo v okviru Forumov za investicije v trajnostno energijo (Sustainable Energy Investments Forum – SEIF).
Ključni slovenski deležniki (osebno povabilo), predstavniki Evropske komisije, predstavniki ministrstev in lokalne samouprave, javnih in poslovnih bank, zavarovalnic, stanovanjskega sektorja, gospodarstva, podjetij za energetske storitve, energetskih agencij, podpornih organizacij, energetskih svetovalcev, raziskovalcev in nevladnih organizacij.
Cilj nacionalne okrogle mize je spodbuditi dialog med ključnimi slovenskimi deležniki o tem, kako izboljšati dostop do javnih in zasebnih finančnih sredstev za trajnostne investicije v javnem in stanovanjskem sektorju ter gospodarstvu, ki so potrebne za doseganje ciljev Nacionalnega energetskega in podnebnega načrta ter Dolgoročne strategije energetske prenove stavb do leta 2050, in sicer ob podpori Kohezijskega sklada ter v okviru Načrta za okrevanje in odpornost v obdobju 2021–2027.
Odmor za kavo in kosilo sta priložnost za mreženje udeležencev na kraju samem.
This SEI Forums roundtable is organised by the European Commission in partnership with the Jožef Stefan Institute's Energy Efficiency Centre (JSI EEC) under the auspices of the Slovenian Ministry of Infrastructure (MoI).
Key Slovenian stakeholders upon personal invitation, representatives of the European Commission, representatives of ministries and local government, public and commercial banks, insurance companies, buildings/industry/service sector, energy service companies, energy agencies, business support organisations, energy advisors, researchers, and NGOs.
The objective of this national roundtable is to foster dialogue between key Slovenian stakeholders on how to improve access to private finance for sustainable energy efficiency investments, helping Slovenia to achieve its National Energy and Climate Plan and Long-term Renovation Strategy targets on its path to climate neutrality by 2050, with the support of Cohesion Fund and the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the 2021-2027 period.
Coffee and lunch breaks, courtesy of the organizers, will offer networking opportunity for onsite participants.